The technology of conservation is Eco Planet Landscaping’s expertise. It’s team of conservation experts provide its customers with seamless integration into their design plans and cut irrigation costs overall and long term, saving thousands on capitol year over year.


Eco Planet Landscaping has a proven track record of proudly serving our clientele with their conservation needs in mind, providing savings and added value to every project. The valuable expertise that they bring to the field and implement for customers as part of their standard maintenance program has improved communities around Southern California by allowing them to cut large amounts of wasted water and giving them beautiful curb appeal.


“With the ever-increasing irrigation rates in California, it is vital that property owners and managers stay vigilant in conserving as much water as possible,” said Michael Carrol, Owner. “We have the unique ability and depth of knowledge to guide all of our clients through the developing process of a cost-cutting program that is both efficient and effective. Here at Eco Planet Landscaping, we take our customers’ landscaping investment and wisely put it back into the land, allowing them to conserve water and capitol for long-term savings.”

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